We’ve Found Great Vendors So You Don’t Have To

You have the freedom to select your own vendors or enlist the help of family or friends. To help simplify your search, we've compiled a list of trusted vendors. Most vendors on our list has visited the barn—many on multiple occasions—and some are highly recommended or well-known within the industry.

Please note, we do not receive any compensation for recommending these vendors. We genuinely endorse them based on our positive experiences and the respect we have for their work. However, as with any important decision, we encourage you to conduct your own due diligence through interviews, reviews, and further research.


Birch & Barley - Pullman

Happy Day Catering - LCV

Love Shack Kitchen - Asotin

Missy Moos BBQ - Arriving June 2025

Miley Brands - Spangle

Wilder Catering - Moscow

Longhorn Barbecue - Spokane

The Savory Bee - Potlatch

South Fork - Pullman

Ranch House Catering - Colfax

All Occasion Catering - Craigmont, ID


Moonbeam Music - Brandon Schreiner - Pullman, WA

DJ Logan Scott Phelps - Spokane, WA

CΔTΔLYST - Pullman, WA Contact for Package Deal with Caitlyn Photography

DJ Joe - Moscow, ID

StaySharp Events

DJ Mobile Music

DJ Nate Stone - Clarkston, WA



Pure Productions - Lexi - LCV

Luke Zimmer - Spokane

Ferguson Films - Ryan, Alissa, & Charlie

Mezia Media LLC - Spokane

Grace Media Films - Spokane

Kay Dawn Productions - Cottonwood

Sweet Treats

The Brookery - Cakes & more - LCV

Goose House Bakery - Cakes & more - Moscow

Tammy’s Cakes - Troy

Dom’s Donuts - Pullman

Casey Bates Creates - Cookies - Colton

Birdies Sweets Bakery - Cookies - Uniontown


Flowers, Decor & More - Colfax, WA

Mellifera Farm - Troy, ID

Teal Lane Floral - Lewiston, ID

The Styled Porch - Lewiston, ID

Gracey’s Flower Farm - Spokane, WA

Neill’s Flowers - Pullman, WA

Stratton’s Cutting Garden - U-Pick Pullman, WA

other options- contact Costco or Safeway


Hair, Makeup, + Beauty

& More

Men’s Attire + Bridal Gowns Black Tie & Pearls - Moscow, ID

Decor Rental Crystal & Twigs - LCV

Bar Service The Thirsty Traveler - LCV

Dinnerware The Plate Project - Moscow, ID

Hahn Event Rental - Moscow + Lewiston, ID

Northwest Event Rentals - Lewiston, ID

Golden Goose Rentals - Moscow, ID


Croft Rentals Limos & more - Lewiston, ID

Ride N Style Limos - Lewiston, ID

Horses & Wagon - Lewiston, ID

College Cabs - Pullman + Moscow

Printing, Engraving + Gifts

J&H Printing - Pullman, WA

Printcraft Printing - Lewiston, ID

Northwest Engraving Service - Lewiston + Pullman

Hand-painted Bottles + Gifts Cheers Emma Jane - Clarkston, WA

Baskets by Design

Photos: Danielle Marie, Cami Bradley, Greg & Maria Basel, Caitlin Houser, Aaron Benjamin, Shutterkey